Fertőrákos, Stone Quarry, Cave theatre
Stone Quarry
Address: Fertőrákos Fő street 1.
Millions of years ago there was a part of the sea located here. Billions of snails, seashells and small bodied animals formed the Lajta-limestone. However, the limestone is no longer quarried. Today, there is a cave in the place of this limestone where they hold theatre and opera performances and concerts during the summer. The “Lajta-limestone” is easily formed and resists changeable and unpredictable weather conditions. Many great houses have been built using this type of limestone. Irregularly formed large halls resembling Egyptian temples and big pillars supporting the limestone ceiling captivate visitors over and over again. The stone quarry is deffinately worth visiting for an experience you’ll never forget.
Cave theatre
Name: Fetrőrákosi Barlangszínház (Cave Theatre)
The performances held in the the stone quarry in Fertőrákos which is famous throughout all of Europe make-up the core of the socalled Sopron Festival Weeks. Performances have been held regularly since 1970 in the quarry. At the very beginning, the Sopron Brass Band organized promenade concerts here. The first performance was during summer in 1970. An architectural expert’s opinion about the cave theatre is as follows: “the union of the stone quarry’s exterior and interior offers such a spectacle as could only derive from antique architecture”. The excellent acoustics and the wonderful natural surroundings are suitable for arranging either musicals, dance and opera performances offering a unique experience for those who choose to visit.
Seating-room of the theatre: 743 people.